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1. how to switch back to the s1 style system

how to switch back to the s1 style system

last updated 06.29.2024.

have you noticed how terrible s2 looks with its way-too-modernized themes? and its lack of customizability unless you have a paid journal? you can still make your livejournal look like it's from 2004 and here's how.

this article will show you how to switch to the now-deprecated older livejournal style system known as s1. s1 allows you to customize your journal more, with even support for custom code and custom colors.

step 1: go to your livejournal settings, obviously.
first, we will make sure that we aren't already in s1. just log into your livejournal. after that, click the dropdown next to your userpic and username. then, under "[pro] upgrade account", click "settings". it should look something like this:

step 2: customize appearance
now, navigate to a link in between "entries" and "tags" under "style". the link will say "customize my journal's appearance". click that, and make sure you aren't in s2. for reference, the s1 appearance settings should look like this:

if you are in s2 it will look much more advanced with a grid of thousands of theme options.

step 3: switch system
now we can switch the style system. this isn't directly in that area unless you are in s1 and it's prompting you to switch to s2, like in my case. but it's really simple. just click this link and it prompts you to switch. if you are in s2 click yes and you can now customize your journal. the available layouts are:

clean and simple
default livejournal (which it will be by default upon switching to s1)
generator (my current layout)
punquin elegant w/ sidebar
refried paper
tabular indent
webley boxes on white

thank you for reading. i hope this was easy. if you have any other concerns, you can send me an e-mail at